How to Strengthen Your Immune System

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Your lifestyle has the greatest impact on the strength (or weakness) of your immune system.  Everywhere we go is full of potential harm for our bodies. The goal is to bolster our bodies to withstand anything that we encounter.

Here’s how to strengthen your immune system:

  1. Get Proper Sleep.  Our cells repair and heal at night.  This process is vastly important for our bodies to maintain health and reduce pain levels.

  2. Move Regularly.  Whether you do traditional workouts or do activities consistently throughout your day, this helps keep the lymphatic and immune system working properly.

  3. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. Our bodies need a wide variety of minerals, and vitamins, many of which are found in fruits and veggies.  These nutrients help your body and immune system function optimally. 

  4. Stay Hydrated.  Water helps everything in our bodies.

  5. Moderation. Limiting the amount of alcohol, sugar, and other things that are known to be not great for our bodies really helps the body make up for those infractions.

  6. Quit Smoking.  Smoking prevents your body from healing properly.  It will consistently work against you and break down your body’s systems.  And when you are sick, you will most likely be sick longer.

  7. Reduce Stress.  The mind controls the body.  And if it is overwhelmed by your situation or environment, it will struggle to help the body perform at its best.  Find ways to help your mind and body relax regularly and consider if there are changes you can make that could make life less stressful.

  8. Have Good Hygiene. Fortunately, most people in the US have good clean running water, modern plumbing, and the ability to keep themselves and their clothes and bed linens clean.  It makes sense to wash our hands and bodies, change of bed linens and clothes often, etc, especially if we are "under stress" in order to try and stay well, but even more so if we are "under the weather" to aid in our recovery.  It's also a good idea to clean your cell phone.

    When you do get sick, get a new toothbrush.  Or sanitize it with hydrogen peroxide.

  9. Chiropractic Care. One of the foundational pillars of chiropractic care is to help the nervous system function without restriction.  If the nervous system is optimal, it will help all of the other systems work better including the immune system.

We can’t avoid getting sick all of the time, however, by having a healthy lifestyle and a strong immune system - you will recover faster.


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