Can Pregnant Women Be Treated with Chiropractic?

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Can Pregnant Women be treated with Chiropractic? How would that treatment provide benefit for them or their babies?

Yes, pregnant moms can be treated with chiropractic care. One common issue during pregnancy is back pain. Many times, this is due to unequal stress on the spinal structures, which can lead to imbalance or torque of the spinal joints. This torque can lead not only to back pain but can also be related to "torsion" of the uterus, which can make labor and delivery more difficult.

We obviously treat expectant moms "special". In the Post Clinic, we use techniques or procedures that are gentler than we might use with an extremely muscular athlete. We also avoid any procedure or position which causes these patients any discomfort or unease.

Dr. Post has received special training in the Webster technique as he typically uses this technique in the last 4 to 6 weeks of a pregnancy. This technique is extremely gentle and helps to reduce the torque or twisting of the pelvis, which in turn balances the round ligaments and reduce torsion of the uterus. The allows the baby to find his or her perfect position for delivery, depending on placenta attachment, etc. This can help make labor and delivery easier for both the mom and her baby.

Dr. Post has treated many pregnant moms throughout their pregnancies, including the day of delivery, and well as in the first few days after the birth. In addition to chiropractic care, he also emphasizes compliance with proper care recommended by their OB-GYN and/or midwife.