Can Children Be Treated with Chiropractic Care?

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Absolutely! All humans have spines, and even newborns can have spinal issues. Just think of how difficult it would be for you to go through the birth process, to learn to walk (and fall a thousand times), and to go through all of the jars and jolts of childhood. Dr. Post has worked with patients from one (1) day old, to one hundred and one years old! Each patient is treated with techniques and procedures which are appropriate for their age, condition, etc.

With newborns, the main reasons for care include fussiness (many times this is categorized as colic), recurrent ear infections or colds, not having bowel movements at least once per day, and not sleeping well. The techniques he uses on these patients resembles a light massage, and it is very comfortable for most babies.

With toddlers and small children, indications for care include altered crawling or walking movements, falls, pain, as well as the issues listed for newborns (fussiness, recurrent ear infections, and colds, decreased bowel movements, and not sleeping well).

In school-age children, care could be indicated by pain in the spinal or extremity regions, headaches, inability to concentrate, recurrent infections, sleep issues, stomach and digestion issues, or general changes in attitude.

Just think about it. When we do not feel well or have pain, it can affect us in many ways, whether we are a child or an adult. Chiropractic care is extremely safe, and many times can reduce the need for medications (of which some can have long-lasting consequences for children).